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Christophe Girardier

Christophe Girardier

Christophe Girardier is the CEO of Glimpact. Prior to starting Gimpact, he was a member of the governance body established by the EC of the very structuring initiative 'Single market for green products' which is at the origin of the design of the PEF/OEF methods, adopted by the European Union within the framework of the new regulations of the European Green Deal for the scientific definition and evaluation of the systemic footprint of products and organizations.

The Impact of EU's ESPR for U.S. Tech Businesses, What Should U.S. C-Suite Executives Know?

Monday, 24 June 2024 01:47
In its drive toward greater sustainability and ecological sovereignty, the EU’s ambitious Eco-Design for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR) builds on the framework of the European…